Refer International Nurses Earn Money

Earn $250 for Each of Your Referrals with NCLEX

Imagine the excitement on your friends’ and colleagues’ faces when you refer them for an opportunity in America. O’Grady Peyton specializes in helping nurses and allied professionals from around the world find stable employment upon arrival. Give your friends the gift of opportunity…and potentially earn $250 when they begin their adventure in the U.S.

All Qualified Professionals Welcome

Refer a Friend to Earn More!

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By clicking "SUBMIT" I agree to receive emails, automated text messages and phone calls (including calls that contain prerecorded content) from and on behalf of {{site_name}}, its parent, AMN Healthcare, and affiliates. I understand these messages will be to the email or phone number provided, and will be about employment opportunities, positions in which I’ve been placed, and my employment with AMN companies. See privacy policy or cookie policy for more details. Terms and Conditions

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By clicking "SUBMIT" I agree to receive emails, automated text messages and phone calls (including calls that contain prerecorded content) from and on behalf of {{site_name}}, its parent, AMN Healthcare, and affiliates. I understand these messages will be to the email or phone number provided, and will be about employment opportunities, positions in which I’ve been placed, and my employment with AMN companies. See privacy policy or cookie policy for more details. Terms and Conditions